Regulatory announcements

Results of the 2019 Annual General Meeting

17 July 2019

The Company held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 17 July 2019. All the resolutions put to shareholders were duly passed on a show of hands. Resolutions 1 to 13 were passed as ordinary resolutions and resolutions 14, 15 and 16 were passed as special resolutions.

Details of shareholders' proxy votes lodged in advance of the Annual General Meeting for each resolution are shown in the table below:

Resolutions For and at discretion Against Votes Withheld Total
Number % Number %
1.To receive the audited accounts of the Company for the year ended 28 February 2019, together with the Report of the Directors and the report of the Auditor thereon. 46,754,994 99.97 12,690 0.03 17,774 46,767,684
2.To approve the Annual Statement by the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and the Annual Report on Directors' Remuneration for the year ended 28 February 2019 46,417,877 99.22 366,082 0.78 1,500 46,783,959
3.To declare a final dividend of 6.75p per Ordinary share 46,785,453 99.99 6 0.01 0 46,785,459
4.To appoint Leslie-Ann Reed as a Director of the Company. 47,095,880 99.98 10,208 0.02 2,095 47,106,088
5.To re-appoint John Warren as a Director of the Company. 46,773,156 99.98 10,208 0.02 2,095 46,783,364
6.To re-appoint Steven Hall as a Director of the Company. 46,773,656 99.98 9,708 0.02 2,095 46,783,364
7.To re-appoint Nigel Newton as a Director 46,481,135 99.36 299,311 0.64 5,013 46,780,446
8.To re-appoint Penny Scott-Bayfield as a Director 46,672,429 99.77 108,017 0.23 5,013 46,780,446
9.To re-appoint Jonathan Glasspool as a Director 46,736,584 99.91 43,862 0.09 5,013 46,780,446
10.To re-appoint Sir Richard Lambert as a Director 46,738,513 99.90 44,850 0.10 2,095 46,783,363
11.To re-appoint KPMG LLP as Auditor of the Company 46,772,173 99.98 9,969 0.02 3,316 46,782,142
12. To authorise the Directors to determine the auditors' remuneration. 46,776,820 99.98 8,169 0.02 470 46,784,989
13. To authorise the Directors to allot shares 45,251,805 96.72 1,533,646 3.28 8 46,785,451
14. To authorise the Directors to disapply pre-emption rights 44,350,228 94.79 2,435,223 5.21 8 46,785,451
15. To authorise the Directors to disapply pre-emption rights regarding acquisition/investment 45,250,729 96.73 1,531,803 3.27 2,926 46,782,532
16. To authorise the Company to purchase its own shares. 46,736,428 99.95 25,198 0.05 23,832 46,761,626



1. The 'For' vote includes those giving discretion to the Chairman.

2. Votes 'Withheld' are not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes 'For' and 'Against' a resolution.

3. As at Tuesday 16 July 2019, there were 75,328,570 ordinary shares of 1.25 pence in issue.

4. The full text of each of the resolutions is set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting which is available at the National Storage Mechanism and on the Company's website at

5. In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions passed at the meeting other than those considered as ordinary business, will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at:


Maya Abu-Deeb
Group General Counsel & Company Secretary
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


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